Website Profile for Health Care

Website Profile for Health Care

Midwest Orthopaedics

Midwest Orthopaedics is an orthopaedic surgeon based in Geraldton Perth, Western Australia.

Midwest Orthopaedics had a small website built on one of those pre builder sites which tell you they are easy to build in. But really they don’t give you the power to reach customers. Their site at the time was not particularly nice, it needed help.

They had done a photo shoot of all the staff and plenty of location shots with patients. So we had plenty of imagery to build a profile.

What they wanted for this site was much more than just a profile. They wanted to provide a reference for many orthopaedics conditions and treatments. So this site has plenty of information for your orthopaedic care.

Visit Midwest Orthopaedics

Medical Websites For Doctors

Net Iconic builds websites for doctors and health care providers. We can create your personalised website were you have a feature rich online application to detail and sell your events.