Lightbulb Skills

Lightbulb Skills

Lightbulb Skills is based in Perth WA. It is a small business start up to run workshops for people who live with a disability. The aim of the courses is to build independence in various areas of living.

Their website is built in SquareSpace by the owners son, with excellent results in branding and message delivery. However on a SEO checkup the website and business could not being found at all on searches.

This is an issue I have seen on many SquareSpace sites. When the home builder see the traffic provided standard in SquareSpace they believe that this is all that is needed to start ranking. But there are tricks and a plethora of daily changes on Google that novice builder don’t have time to find/research and implement.

In a matter of hours I could configure their Google accounts and site tags to start ranking. Then with search result software I can research their market, audience, competition. With this extensive reporting we can tweak a site to start moving up in impressions, ranking and click through.

For the next few weeks I will be able to monitor the current traffic and analysis search audience. I can look at where users are going on a page and which page they go to next. This is all about meeting your audiences need and ultimately converting them to customers.

It’s all so interesting watching these start ups develop a niche and grow in that space.

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